Sunday, July 26, 2009

so much to tell

Well well, what an adventure i've been through this summer. I'm still in the middle of it, but i think i need some breathing room to blog a bit.

first of all, for my own sake; this is a list of movies i'd like to watch specifically in the indie romance genre:
New York, I Love You (oct 29)
Adam (july 29)
Paper Heart (aug 14)
500 Days of Summer (now playing)

And i must see Shanghai, which comes out Sept 4 simply because my grandparents are shanghainese and i've grown up in a household listening to classic shanghainese music, eating shanghainese cuisine and watching shanghainese movies. Besides, old Shanghai is simply magical!

Lots of props to Nolan, who told me about all these great films.

I've recently seen the screening for The September Issue at JWT, which was pretty great as well. Especially when it's in the middle of the work day and you're lounging on the couches with delicious pastries and great people. I love my job!

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